Photographer : Kazunori Nagashima Born in Yokohama, Japan, 1971. Turned to a professional photographer in 2004 after being a Japanese language lecturer in Kuching, Malaysia for two years, and a scene carpenter at Kabuki-za theater as known as the most traditional theater in Japan for seven years. International Photography Awards 2018, the 2nd place of Professional Special - Other. International Photography Awards 2016, the 2nd place of Professional Fine Art - Other. Graphis Photography Annual 2016, Gold. Graphis Photography Annual 2018, Merit. International Photography Award, Honorable Mention, 2009-2018. PX3, Honorable Mention, 2015-2017. Tokyo International Foto Awards, Honorable Mention, 2016. The solo exhibition at Sony Imaging Gallery Ginza, Tokyo, 2018. Joined the exhibition of ImageNation Paris, 2018. Joined the exhibition of ImageNation Arles, 2019. Presented "Binding Image" in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 2014. Presented "G Book Show" in Brighton, England in 2014. www.kazunorinagashima.com